In late 1996, soon after the legendary doom rock group The Obsessed was dissolved, drummer Greg Rogers and bassist Guy Pinhas (also formerly of Beaver) joined forces with ex-ENGINE KID guitarist Greg Anderson. Shortly thereafter vocalist Pete Stahl (Wool / Scream / Earthlings?) joined the fold and GOATSNAKE was born.
With song's on a few compilation CD's and a couple of 7 Inch records under their belts, ("IV" on Prosthetic Records and "Man Of Light" on Warpburner Recordings) May 1999 finally saw the release of their eagerly anticipated debut full length L.P "I" on doom legend Lee Dorrian's very own record label Rise Above.
An appearance at the 1999 Dynamo Festival and a mini UK tour with Electric Wizard soon followed, with Scott Reeder (Across The River/The Obsessed/Kyuss/Unida) standing in for Guy on bass.
After the departure of Guy Pinhas in the spring of 2000, the 'snake recruited Stuart Dahlquist (Burning Witch) to fill the void left by Guy for the low-end assault.
Their diverse backgrounds culminate in a much heavier sound than all their previous groups combined. This is Ballcrushing heavy rock with a vocal style which innovates rather than imitates. Imagine Ozzy with Stevie Wonder's soul. GOATSNAKE creates super heavy low-end jams perfect for listening on a muggy summer eve.
Greg Anderson Sunn Amps | Pete Stahl Throat & Harp | Greg Rogers Battery | Stuart Dahlquist Low-End Assault |